
Friday, January 14, 2011

No More Lice...FINALLY

Okie dokie, I'm gonna get some things caught up...finally!

A lice update:  

Back before Thanksgiving, Reagan ended up with lice. You can catch up here first and then here.  Well, this went on and on and on, we'd get it cleared up and then she'd go back to school and would end up with nits again.  The beginning of this was November 22nd. 

Fast forward to December 20... Reag was with her mom and she got the call that Reagan had nits again that day at school.  Her mom flipped out and called us to tell us that she had called the principal and was taking Reagan out of school for the rest of the week (Tuesday and Wednesday) before Christmas break and she called the health department to get them into the school. 

As frustrated as we were with the nits, we had NEVER seen anything live at our house so we didn't really feel that missing her Christmas party and school for 2 more days was worth it the annoyance factor.  We were not supportive of that decision, however during her custodial period, there's nothing we can do.

However, the way our custody agreement works, if there is no school, OUR custodial period begins at 9am instead of after school.  So, George and I felt that it was in Reagan's best interest to go to school for her last day before Christmas break after we picked her up that morning.  I checked Reag's hair before we went into school, picked out 8 nits quickly (her mom swore she had been treated 2 days earlier and then hadn't been back at school) and off she went.   We suspected that there was still something going on at her mom's apartment also because we learned that Reagan's stuffed animals and bedding etc hadn't been bagged up after the inital lice. 

The nurse found 2 more nits that day that I missed in my quick check. No biggie. I treated her hair that night when we got home... a new treatment that worked! She hasn't had ANYTHING come back since December 22.

She had a fantastic time at her school Christmas party that day by the way!

And yes, her mom yelled at her about going to school. "I kept you home for a good reason and Stephanie's a liar about finding nits in your hair."

I guess the nurse is a liar too.

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