
Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Poor Badonkadonk

Butt paste, A&D, Desitin, cornstarch & mylanta, babypowder with cornstarch, neosporin, naked baby, poopy diapers, screamy baby, warm washcloths instead of wipes and lots of tears.

This was pretty much my day yesterday.

Lily has recently started eating baby food and we think she's teething too. As a result, she has been pooping A LOT!  Her little bum very quickly became fire red and it was so painful. :(  She would SCREAM when she'd pee or poop. It was so pitiful. 

The rash onset very quickly late Tuesday night and of course, we were on it to heal right away.  As soon as it would start to heal, she'd poop a lot more and the cycle would just perpetuate.  She enjoyed her play naked time to air her tush which allowed for some smiles. :)  She's such a happy baby all the time and I learned yesterday she can feel miserable and still give that grin!

Today is a much better day! She's almost all healed up and there have been no tears and NO screamy baby!
And now I have a whole slew of remedies in my arsenal for the next time. Although, of course I'm hoping there's no next time, but I know it will come again.


  1. So glad Lily is almost back to normal!
    A fabulous remedy to try next time around: browned flour!!

  2. Imagine my surprise when we went through that AGAIN recently. The kid is 5. Are you kidding me that I still have to buy Bordeaux's Butt Paste???

    Hope Lily continues to improve. That's no fun!

  3. Lily is such a cute doll ! Rash and redness is like a common problem of nearly all the babies of her age . Glad she's fine now :)
    Cool Parent
    Will you make a cool parent?

  4. When I read the title of this post at first I thought this is gonna be about the country song Honky Tonk....I am such a dork! Owie on the rash....glad you cleared it up quick quick....Kelcee had a rash one time and it was from her having ya know from her laxative med that she has to take and we used Desitin Creamy and it cleared it up like in 2 hrs girl....I swear by that stuff
    Glad she is feeling much better and I am lovin the toothless grin


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