
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Road Trip

It's that time again... Andrew heads off to Nashville to visit his dad for some summer time.

Typically, his dad and I meet halfway to pick up and drop off, but this time, I decided I was bringing him all the way to Nashville and would spend a few days visiting friends I haven't seen in far too long.
We headed out for our trip...just me and the kids.  That's what they looked like when before we left. :)

It wasn't a bad trip at all.  It's about 9-9.5 hours and they were great. We stopped to eat lunch at McDonald's just outside of Cincinnati, to go the bathroom/change diapers, and stretch our legs.

We actually only made one other stop for bathroom and to get gas in Elizabethtown, KY before we arrived in Nashville.  Andrew kept himself occupied by playing his DSi and laughing with Lily, while Lily did great too! She only got fussy a couple times when she was sleepy or needed some snacks. Andrew was super helpful with her! I don't know what I'm going to do on the way back without him! I guess, we'll probably have to stop a lot more.

There was a little sleeping:

And a little smiling:

Until finally Tennessee welcomed us!
 It was a great road trip and the kids both did great! I'd do it again. ;)

Andrew will be there for a few weeks while Lily and I stayed 5 days until we headed back home. Daddy missed us...we missed him too.

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