
Monday, February 2, 2015

A Night at the Theater!

Last Saturday night, Lily and I had a date at the theater!

It was her first visit and her first musical! It was my first time at The Byham Theater in Pittsburgh. Thanks to Groupon, we were able to plan a night out for one of my favorite activities.  The show? The Little Mermaid!

We met up with our friends, Stef and Tracy and their daughters and ended up with a lovely girls night out doing something we've never done.  Lily wasn't happy that Violet didn't come with us. "She's a girl too, Mom!"  I explained that she's too little for something like this and I wanted to do something special with just her.

It was a cold night, of course --January in Pittsburgh isn't much other than that! We bundled up and hurried in to take our seats for the show to begin!

Lily loved seeing Ariel and always loves music. It was sweet to listen to her singing along to "Part of Your World."  The cast was superb! Every character was just brought to life from the movie! Ariel was beautiful and engaging! Sebastian was perfect! Prince Eric's voice had such an amazing tone, it was a pleasure to listen to him sing. Skuttle was hilarious, Ursula was incredible, and Flotsam and Jetsam were honestly creepy. The set was so well done, transitioning from underwater to being on the beach. The songs were fun and entertaining. Truly everything you'd expect if you love the movie!  The only thing I didn't love was Flounder's costume--a yellow sweatsuit & blue hair. It was just pretty lame compared to the entire set and other costumes, but the actor was great along with the others!

 Under the Sea

Kiss the Girl

Take a bow, Ariel!
You entertained us and we loved you!

Lily fell asleep shortly into the second Act, but I woke her up to see the wedding which is something she always plays at home with her Ariel and Eric Little People in their carriage.  Her short nap did nothing for her mood, however.

After the show, the main cast had a meet & greet.  The cast members signed Lily's program and we got a picture with Ariel, as well, although I had to be in it.  Ariel's face in the 2nd picture is hilarious! What a great sport she was!

The girls wanted a snack and a drink, so we had a late night stop at Eat & Park after the show for milkshakes.  Lily didn't last long.

Looking forward to our next mom and daughter date next month!


  1. How fun is that! Looks like she totally enjoyed it too. I should take my daughter to a live show like that.

  2. It was a fun night! I'm sure Lily will talk about it for months!

  3. The stage and cast look amazing! What a fun night out for you girls!
