Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An Off Tuesday

Yesterday was election day in PA, so Andrew and Reagan had a day off from school on a rare day where Reag is with us.  If there's no school on Mondays or Fridays {which most of them are}, she stays with BM, so we when we say we have no non-school time, it's no joke.  This is the 3rd day {not a holiday} all school year. Makes it tough to have playdates or even some downtime at home for her.

I had mentioned yesterday about the upcoming slumber party that the odds are not in favor she'll be able to attend.  So on Monday night when I got an email from her friend's mom asking if Reag was available on Tuesday for a playdate, we were all excited.  I wish I could have captured the reaction when we told her she was invited and would be able to go if she wanted.  She was beaming! Such gratitude and excitement for being able to do "normal kid" things.  They're not normal for her, sadly. She was thrilled!

Andrew had a friend come over Monday night to spend the night and stay up too late doing 12 year old boy things like playing videogames, laughing and playing online computer games with each other sitting side by side. I didn't see them much except for food.  George gave them a "lights out" time and I didn't see them again until morning...for food.  Nor for much of the day...except for food. Boys.

While Andrew and his friend stayed here for the day, Reagan headed over to her friend's house and off they went to the zoo for part of the morning and then hung out back at their house for the afternoon. We heard stories of meerkats, playing outside, dance parties, "my very best friend" all evening. She also said they had a conversation about the slumber party.  It was honestly very sad.

Friend:    "Are you coming for my birthday?"
Reag:       "I'm not sure yet."
Friend:     "Why? Don't you want to come?"
Reag:      "It's not that! I do want to come. I'm not sure my mom is going to let me.
                 Not the mom that let me come over today. The mom I live with on
                 the weekends."
Friend:     "I hope she does."
Reag:        "Me too."

The rest of Reagan's recounting of events of the day were filled with excitment and lots of "it was really fun"s.  That kind of stuff, she does not take forgranted.

Lily and I hung out at home, I wiped her runny nose 185239279 times, she chattered all day long, we read books, she had her first big timeout moment in the morning and took a 40 minute nap due to the power going out which of course caused her sound machine to turn off.   When the power came back on about 5 minutes later, well, it was too late for napping. She was not going back to sleep. 

She decided she'd play with the boys some too. They didn't seem to notice. :)

It was a happy, out of the ordinary Tuesday!