Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Eve Present

We decided to share with A and R today that we're having a baby!  We had gone back and forth with when to tell them after having gone through our miscarriage last summer and how hard that was on all of us.  Ultimately we decided that we're a very close family and we have endured so much together that they too needed to share in this excitement.

We actually thought it would be a great thing to share with them today, Christmas Eve, as we just had to share with them this morning that one of our dogs had to be put to sleep this very morning.  That was hard on them.

We were getting ready to go to our friends' house for a Christmas Eve celebration and decided that before we went, we would tell them about the baby! G said to me, "Well, I had to give them the bad news about the dog, you can be the one to give them good news today!"

And true to their personalities, A said excitedly, "Really?" Followed by, "I hope this one sticks!" and R said wide-eyed "Yay! I hope THIS baby doesn't die."

You can tell we're a very communicative family! :)  I'm grateful my kids feel safe enough to share their feelings as raw and honestly as possible.

I'm also glad they're excited too!

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