Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Steph's Snippets

~The big bauble rage.  I don't get it.  I think I'm just more of a "less is more" kinda girl and the overwhelming neck apparatus is too much.  That being said, I don't hate them. I just don't get them.

Same with the chambray shirt. Perhaps because I'm old and wore that in 8th grade back in the 80s. Ohhhhhh my favorite chambray skirt paired with my favorite chambray shirt belted with a silver belt and my brown boots. Yep. 1985.   Yeah, I'm just old.  And to think I'd roll my eyes at my mom when she'd tell me some fashion trend was popular when she was young.

~Why people are so psycho about politics. Seriously, at this point in my life, your ranting isn't going to change my mind. But rather I'll just tune out, block your updates and the like. This election cannot be over soon enough.  Remember the Kerry/Bush year? Yeah, same thing for me this year. Not a fan of either.

~I was looking at both of my babies this past weekend and was thinking, "I give birth to blonde babies." They have the same hair color and same eye shape which they obviously got from me. Andrew's eyes are my favorite color of blue and Lily's are a gorgeous amber brown like her daddy's. Lily's eyes are actually two different colors...slightly. But they are. Both of them have amazing long eyelashes. I love that Andrew adores her just as much as she does him.

~I am seriously over cooking for my family. Between the exasperated sighs of the tween, the pickyness of the husband and the toddler food strikes, I want to just boycott.  And truth be told if there wasn't a resident two year old, I probably would make them fend for themselves for a little while.

~Approaching 40, {yeah, I've decided since I'm under 6 months to go, I'm approaching} I realize I have less tolerance for people who are not authentic in addition to what I touched on before about one-sided relationships.  Life is too short.
I don't want to spend time appeasing other people when my time could be better spent embracing people who want to be in my life and contribute to the relationship.  I'm more interested in ensuring my CHILDREN are navigating the social skills and settings than spending time trying to teach adults appropriate social interactions.  Selfish? Intolerant?Maybe. But, it's where I am.  I just can't get behind the attention seeking, game playing adults and it's a huge turn off for me. I desire to spend zero time investing in or with them.

~My husband said to me last week, "I would be perfectly fine if we had twins next time."
WHAT?!?! I still am shocked. One of those things I never thought I would hear from him.

~The rope we gave Andrew to hang himself with last year with school and his own success, worked.  He is carrying straight As this year again and making sure all of his work is complete not just hurried to get it done. I don't subscribe to the "it's good enough" theory. He learned that lesson last year. We're very proud and impressed with his junior high transition! We got a letter in the mail the other day stating we have no need for a parent teacher conference at this time. And since I'm satisfied on my end and don't feel we need one either, yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Christmas time is approaching quickly! Andrew and Lily's gifts have been decided upon. Reagan, not so much. She's the hardest to buy for.  Last year I came across an idea that George and I have embraced...buying something they need, want, wear and read.  We're big fans of that! Especially with the older two to keep the excess down on wasting money.  Lily's easy because we pick things up on clearance and she's pretty much done except Santa, but we know what he's doing this year.

I'm also seeking a couple volunteer opportunities for Andrew and Reagan. It was impactful for me as a child and they are both old enough to participate in a way that I'm hopeful will impact them as well.

~My mom comes next week! Can't wait!! We have a busy, packed week, but it will be fun! Of course the weather is in the 70s all this week and the forecast next week will be in the 40s, she'll just freeze. Arizona is the place to be for weather in early November. And the fact, that instead of saying, "Oma", Lily calls her "Elmo" makes me laugh so much! Can't wait to get it on video.

~I wish someone would create and market Bubble Guppies merchandise. I mean, come on already!

Thanks for enduring the randomness in my head. Happy Tuesday!


  1. I can't believe there's no bubble guppies stuff out there! That's nuts!

  2. I had no idea what a chambray shirt was, I had to google it! I am so ready for the election to be over too. The future of education is the top of my list of concerns, but I don't spend too much time watching the debates because not much relates directly to me, so it is hard to wrap my head around it all. Love that you are getting Reagan and Andrew involved early in volunteering, I plan to do the same with V. I agree we NEED more bubble guppies in America, maybe one of the candidates can work on that when they are in office. ;)

  3. I have no idea why people are crazy about politics either. It is always on my feed! My kids love Bubble Guppies too!

  4. I know I am a week late on this...I hope you have a fabulous time w your mom!

    I cant wait til politics ads and antics are OVER!

    No Bubble guppies stuff is ridiculous!

    Cmon you dont want to teach adults how to be social ;)

    yay Andrew!
