Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2 Year Pictures

Lily's 2 year pictures were a little more difficult to capture than her one year  because she is always on the move where last year, she was barely standing!  This year, she was on the move and her blankie although not intended to be a "prop" was a perfect addition to truly remember our Lily at two years old.  Her blankie is her prized possession.

Long before her 1st birthday, I decided since she's a summer baby, her annual pictures will be wearing a white sundress, so the tradition continued.

I'm in no way a Photographer {I leave the capital P to the Professionals}, but I do love my camera and am willing to learn to use it on my children and not willing to pay $300 for photo sessions.

Although I knew when I was doing them, the sun was too bright and I'd face some blown out pics as well as some shadows, I'm less interested in the technical part of the photographs right now and more interested in capturing who Lily is at 2 years old.  Even though I know what's "wrong" with my photos, I'm extremely happy with the subject and what I captured.  

It's her.


  1. they are PERFECT!

    my favorite is the one of her holding her dress w the semi pouty lip

    1. Thank you!

      That picture...she was getting ready to lift her dress up to look at her belly button hahaha

  2. You did a great job! I love the one of her looking like she's about to run across the picture and the one where's she's peeping over the wall. But they're all great! Can't believe she's two! (I'll be saying that about my own in only 4 short months.)

    1. Thank you!! I can't believe she's two either! And it totally goes by in such a blink!

  3. they're gorgeous. And she is too of course!

  4. I think the sunlight and shadows worked out well together! Great pics.
