Tuesday, March 10, 2015

One Last Snow Day {I hope!}

As much as I'm looking forward to Spring and warmer temperatures, we've had so few days to play in the snow because of the frigid below zero days.  This past weekend, we had a heatwave in the 40s and it was perfect to head outside for one last playing in the snow day! Lily loves to play in the snow and I really just love her excitement about most everything, so I bundled the girls up and out we went.

Violet hasn't yet mastered walking in snow and gets mad that she can't, so I put her in the sled, pulled her into the middle of the yard, and she was happy to eat snow and watch Lily build her snowman!

Lily said she wanted to build Olaf, so she did.  She carefully piled up her snow, searched for rocks for his mouth and buttons --making sure to tell me that there were 3 not 2, finding just the right sticks for his arms, and choosing his eyes and the nose out of our snowman kit.  She was very proud of herself!

Snow angels were up next and then a little swinging! Lily wanted to push Violet in the swing and unfortunately gave her a big push but was too close and the swing came back and hit her in the mouth. She kept saying, "My tooth hurts!" and sure enough when I looked in her mouth, one of her upper teeth was bleeding, but not loose thankfully.  Violet really loved being in the swing!

My beautiful girls had a great time and it was perfect on the Daylight Savings Time change because they slept so good that night!  I really treasure this time with them. They're growing up so quickly and I am savoring all the moments of their lives.
Here's hoping this really was our last snow day!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! Violet looks WAY too big and I love Lily and her little snowman. Glad you had fun, but I do hope this was the last of the snow!!!
