Friday, February 11, 2011

Sick Sick and More Sick

Well, I got some 365 pics up, Days 24-31 and Days 32- 38 but that's about it. I'm still not feeling fantastic and I don't really wanna throw something on here for Lily's 6 month update and Andrew's scout adventures, so I'm waiting until I feel better to do it right.

We've had the flu and viral infections in our house. THE WORST!

I had a horrific cough that hurt so badly my diaphram was sore from all the coughing.  When I went to the doctor he prescribed me a cough syrup that I was to take every 6 hours.  So, I got home with it and as much as I don't like cough medicine, I was looking forward to relief. I put on my anticipatory cough medicine taste face and swallowed. Wait. What? This was the BEST TASTING COUGH SYRUP I have ever had!  About an hour later, I told George that I felt dizzy.  Looked at the bottle: "May cause dizziness".  Ok.   That night I was at least finally able to sleep. No more fever and cough under control. Hallelujah!  Still exhausted and generally run down, but at least some sleep.  At this point, Lily still wasn't sick (thank God).   The next day, I decided to actually look up what kind of cough medicine I was taking since I didn't recognize the name on the bottle.  "Hydromet" on the bottle.  No clue what that was.  It's a form of hydrocodone.  Of course, reading all about that, I was thinking, "Well, they made it taste good." 

Here's the thing about me.  I don't do medicine.  Unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  About 8 years ago, I had vicodin prescribed to me for something...I never took one.  I take tylenol as a last resort. Not to say I suffer, but medicine is last resort for me.  I think that our society is too quick to push pills for things and when they are truly needed, sometimes ineffective.  That's just a generalization, of course and at times in my life I have taken Imitrex and Zoloft...I used them as I needed them.  Anywho... back to my cough syrup...

No wonder I got relief... from a narcotic cough medicine.

~Reagan arrived 2 weeks ago with a cough.
~Andrew woke up 3 days later with a horrible fever, sore throat, flushed face, lethargy. (He's also not a sickly kid.)  His lasted 5 days.  Cough came later...Still lingering cough today.
~Next up was George. Same story as Andrew, but add in the cough. ALL. NIGHT. LONG.
~Finally, me. I got it all at once too.
~A few days later, Lily woke up with a cough. :(  Congestion, cough and pathetic cry. Poor baby.

So, we affectionately refer to this year's illness as the time Reagan tried to take out the family. 

p.s. Reagan is sick again.

Lord, help us.


  1. oh no! hope you guys feel better soon. i've been sick with the same thing you have for almost a month now. no fun.

  2. Boo to being sick! I hope you all get well soon and stay well!!!

  3. wow that's a lot to deal with.

    Give the virus to the lice!!

    that is all

  4. OK I just love you and mised you so much! I am so sorry I haven't been commented, lots going on with me medically that I will post about soon and I have just been exhausted I have been cheating and scheduling posts LOL...I love your new blog design so cheery like you :)

    OMG I laughed at you referred to this as the year Reagan tried to take the family out hahahahhaah

    I am sorry you guys are so sicky! We had that three weeks ago and it was terrible I did a post about it called my day and girl it was a crazy week...the hubs poor thing was like taking care of a toddler hahahah then when those to got better guess who got sick yup and they prescribed me that cough syrup too but I wouldn't take it since I am on 17 other meds in which most make me dizzy and Im loopy by nature so don't need anymore of that hahahah they gave me the Z pack since I don't have an immune system and like in 1 day it got in my lungs but I am beter now! Glad ya'll are on the mend and I pray that precious Lilly recovers quickly! I wanna see pics of that sweet girl!!

    loves you friend

  5. I am not a medicine taker either - but sometimes you do what you have to do! Hang in there hon ((hugs))

  6. Hope you all start feeling better soon!!!
