Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We've Been Sick & Other Stuff

All of us!

It's been horrible!

I'm finally starting to feel a little functional, so I hope to get caught up on blogging because I've got my 365 Day project to post, Lily's 6 month doctor visit, some new foods, Andrew's Scout adventures and just life in general.

I've also made some decisions about my blog that I think will work out regarding public versus private, so i'm hoping to get that squared away as well.
**After some pretty big life events recently and some connections, I have decided to make this blog public again.  I'm interested in other moms and mom groups and would like to continue my journey regardless of the issues that I've had.  Perspective.  That's all it boils down to. Simple perspective.

Thanks for checking in!


  1. I've been missing you!! 6 months, really!?!?

  2. Hi! I am a new reader, found you through Ian. Love your blog, spent the last couple of days reading your posts. I admire your bravery in the face of what you have to deal with!!
