Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Year in a Book?

 Andrew is in 6th grade this year, thus ending his elementary school education.  In his school, this is big milestone complete with a graduation and lots of specific 6th grade activities.
This mama is shocked that he's beginning junior high in just 5 short months. 

I mean seriously, didn't he just start kindergarten???  
1st day of kinder August 2005
But in the blink of an eye, he graduated from kindergarten...
May 2006
I had a little bit of a reality check recently when my husband said, "In 6 years, you'll be out of high school," when he was talking to Andrew. Wait. What?! Just 6 years ago he was  starting school. And well, I know how quickly that went.

That was a big year for us. Andrew started school and I graduated from ASU and started teaching right away.

I'm glad I have photos to look back on, but what I really wish he had that year was a yearbook from that kindergarten. His teacher was amazing, his school was my favorite, and I'm fairly certain even he would love to look back in one place...especially since we've moved across the country.

Of course, I have his class picture and pictures from his first and last days, photos of his class play, Thanksgiving feast and many other activities. I think for that first momentus year in school it would be awesome to have something for the kids like a photo yearbook.

As a former kinder teacher, this is also a fantastic idea for an end-of-the year gift from teachers! I've been using Shutterfly for my photobooks for the last several years and the quality is unmatched, so when I saw they've added yearbooks to their products, my first thought was, "Eeeeeeep! These are awesome!!" 

I'm on a 6th grade committee for a graduation dvd. As the photo contact for my son's class, I wish there had been a way to pull these yearbooks off by the end of the year. However, all of 6th grade graduation events were decided at the end of 5th grade. Bummer!  I will, however, pass along this incredible resource to the 6th grade committe head for future 6th graders and hope future classes are able to utilize these unique momentos.

If you're not familiar with Shutterfly, you can find them on twitter, facebook and pinterest too! And DO!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Shutterfly. All opinions are 100% my own.


  1. So cute! Look at the two of you. I know, I wish I had a digital camera back then when our little guys were little. So many lost memmories

  2. Sweet pictures. :) my oldest graduates high school in 3 months. He is headed off to college in 5 months. I don't know if I should jump for joy or cry! It goes so incredibly fast........

  3. Oh my goodness, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him little. What a cutie!!! Time goes by too fast.

  4. how cuuute!!!

    I love the one of you 2 so sweet

  5. LOVE the college graduation pic! I love looking back. Kindergarten seems like yesterday. A's school has yearbooks. At first I thought it was weird but his K edition was the best one! I cherish them all!
