It's the music. She's sucked in by music and that's all she wrote. I have to crack up when I hear her making raspberries after Biz Markie's "Biz's Beat of the Day" segment. I mean, come on, she's 14 months and mimics a rapper whose big song was out when I was a senior in high school?! Cracks me up.
George encourages her to dance along....and she does...until she realizes you're paying attention to her. :)
Yo Gabba Gabba Live came to Pittsburgh this past weekend. I entered an online contest through one of our news channels to try to win tickets. I had decided right away, Lily is just too young to buy tickets despite how much I knew she'd like it, but I figured I'd enter and see if we won. A few days before the show, Groupon had tickets for $19.00 and I briefly considered it. I said to George it was a good deal because they were 50% off, but I still didn't want to buy them because Lily is so little. I had entered some other giveaways and said if we won, great, but if not, there'd be other things we'd take her to later on.
I didn't win that news channel contest.
However, Wednesday, I won an online giveaway for 4 tickets! Winner, winner chicken dinner! The next morning, I found out I had won 4 MORE tickets on a Macaroni Kid website that I follow. Lucky me!!
Meant to be to take our sweet little Punky Pie.
We gave away four of them to others who also would not have otherwise been able to go. We were so happy to be able to share!
Andrew's dad was in town for a work conference and Andrew even wanted to come with us to see Lily experience this. (Sweet, sweet big brother) See? He brought his iPod to keep himself occupied from the "baby show".
Oh! Did I mention that her molars are on the move again and working the rest of the way in? Yeah, couple that with minimal nap.
In all honesty, she did great! She got her crankypants on near the end of the show was all. You could just see the exhaustion in her and she spent the end of the show with her fingers jammed in the back of her mouth. She's such a trooper!
The show was fun for all of us. Andrew, George and I sang along and Lily clapped and danced.
We all had a lot of fun and we're so happy that we were able to go thanks to Macaroni Kid!
She hit her wall...teething and tired.
So cute! Love the pics and looks like everyone had a great time :)