Friday, March 4, 2011


Last night George and I were talking about cliffhangers of season finales when he said that he doesn't appreciate the storyline not being wrapped up at the end of the season. 
I said that was kind of the point of the cliffhanger to keep you tuned in to watch next season.  Although it's been FOR-EV-ER since True Blood ended and I'm not intrigued anymore, just annoyed.

I then said, "Dallas was one of the biggest cliffhanger type shows when we were kids," prompting him to say, "Did I ever tell you about the time I reinacted a scene from Dallas with my mom and she was an unknowing participant?"  

Immediately I laughed and said, "Noooo.... how old were you?"

"Five or Six. She was sitting at the dining room table talking to her friend on the phone and I walked in with a glass of Kool-Aid.  I held onto the glass, but quickly threw the Kool-Aid in her face, shouting, 'J.R., You Bastard!'"

I was laughing so hard I couldn't even talk as I imagined him at 5 or 6, throwing a drink in his mother's face like Sue Ellen!

I, too, watched Dallas on Friday nights with my parents...preceded by Dukes of Hazzard and followed by Falcon Crest.

And that, my friends is why television should be monitored for children. :)


  1. I watched Dallas too!!

    I remember I had to miss the first episode in the new season after JR got shot

    That about killed me

    that is all

  2. No kidding. I even remember watching Dallas of course not knowing what the heck they were talking about, etc

  3. When I was...hmm, I'm guessing 9, based on the appropriate Wikipedia entry...I saw a particularly traumatic BJ and the Bear episode (they had changed it to a more serious show) that gave me a bad dream which caused me to get up in the middle of the night and call for help. My parents said they found me and hung up the phone without checking to see who was on the other end.

  4. It was a different world back then. I just watched what my parents watched. I wouldn't dream of doing that with my daughter!

  5. LOL! That is hysterical!!! I love That 70's Show and Ben was watching it with me... then he told his dad later in the day someone was a dumbass... yea... no more That 70s show with Ben around...
