Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daisies for Lily

Back when I was pregnant with Lily, I started thinking about all kinds of girlie things for my upcoming new baby girl...things like french braiding hair (which I can't do), dresses, and ear piercings.  After she arrived and a couple months into know when she started sleeping longer, I started thinking more about piercing her ears. 
Do I want to do it while she's little, do I want to let her decide she wants it done, what age is appropriate either way?  I realize a lot of people have opinions and yeah, this is one of those mom judging topics.

I remember getting my ears pierced when I was 8. For my 8th birthday.  It hurt. A LOT.  I cried. My mom was worried I wasn't going to let them do the second ear after I knew what the first felt like.  I fully admit, even nearly 30 years later, I'm still a wimp and would probably cry today.

So, I talked with George about it. He didn't really have a preference and said it was completely up to me. Next, I talked with my sister-in-law about my niece who got hers done around 6 months (she's now almost 5) and asked if she'd ever regretted it. Nope, she's really happy she had them done. At Lily's 6 month doctor visit, I spoke with her pediatrician about it too.  I only wanted the opinions of people I love and would tell me the truth about it with varying perspectives --plus the medical perspective. :)

I literally thought about this decision seriously for about 2 months and then decided certainly. We were going to do it!

On Valentine's Day, Daddy and I headed off to get our baby girl's ears pierced. :) Almost instantly when I got out of the car, I had butterflies in my stomach. I said, "I'm really nervous!" George said, "I'm not. Why ARE you?"  I didn't know. 

And then I looked at my baby when she was sitting on her daddy's lap...she was grinning, happy even though we had woken her up from her nap...
I looked at this sweet little creature that we had wanted so much and went through so much to have and I thought, "We're changing her."  I said aloud, "I'm going to cry."  I may or may not be tearing up again as I'm writing this.
Lily was funny as this sweet woman patiently tried to put markered dots on her ears. She kept turning her head to look at the woman everytime she tried to mark them. One ear, we had to do with marker 3 times. :)

We have a STRONG little baby and she was determined to do her own thing. Finally, Daddy was able to hold her while I distracted her.

I stopped taking pictures and decided to videotape her actual ear piercing...

She didn't cry for the 1st ear at all! She did so well! And then the 2nd one got her. :)
But, she was quickly done with the tears as she looked at her cutie self in the mirror. ♥

I didn't cry, after all.

She hasn't been bothered by them ONE bit and they look adorable. I'm completely satisfied with my decision! Sweet little daisy earrings for my baby Lily...


  1. She is so cute looking at herself in the mirror!

  2. omg i just love her! she is so precious

  3. I'm a big fan of the giant daisy on her head. Glad it went well for you guys!

  4. Adorable

    Love that little Lilly

    that is all

  5. Awww...Lily girl, she is so brave! Smart idea to bring your hubs, I think I will be flying solo if we decide to do this...ahhhh! Love the cute earrings :)
