Monday, March 29, 2010

Mom N Me Monday...A Reflection

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I really wanted to participate in "Mom n Me Monday" last week after I had left our ultrasound, however between moving and the rest of the day's activities, I just wasn't able to get it together. So, here I am ready to post what I wanted to last week after all the emotion of my ultrasound with my babygirl! ♥

Laying on the table watching my daughter...letting that sink in for a few the ultrasound last Monday, I soaked in EVERY moment. Her movements of her hands, how much I loved just watching her heart beating, her stretching her legs, lifting her head up, just wiggling around --clearly showing life inside me, seemingly just for her to ensure I know she's ok.

Rewind about 10 years to my 1st baby...can I still call him my baby? Yeah, I can and I do. Just not in front of his friends. :)  Here he is, the 1st moment I saw him...9 weeks. I remember my MIL (a nurse) saying "Oh, Stephanie, I have never seen an ultrasound this early that looks so clearly like a baby and not a blob." I was instantly in love.

So, as I'm in my ultrasound with my babygirl, I am taken back to my ultrasound with my babyboy --flooded with emotions of how much I love them both. I am so very blessed to be their mother.

November 27, 1999 ♥

I think that's all I did for hours...just stare at him.

I still don't have my desktop setup from our move, so I don't have new pictures of us together on my laptop to add to this post, but I will!  Although, obviously I am in total baby mode, so I'm very reflective of A when he was a baby too and my pregnancy with him. It's been fun for him to learn too.

He asks me a lot of questions about when he was a baby to make this baby I'm pregnant with, connected for him. I love it! I recently watched a video of him when he was about 2 1/2 and I fell in love with my son at 2 all over again...his language, tone of voice, his actions. He used to say about everything..."It's perfect, Mommy!"

I cried watching it. And I cried again watching my ultrasound dvd of my daughter this week too.

He'll never know that when I looked at him, all I kept thinking was "He's perfect."

Happy Monday!

Get out your camera and get into pictures with your kids! ♥

Being a mom, makes EVERYTHING worth it. 


  1. Oh my sweet. Every time I read your posts I am just so excited for you. And I am so glad we get to follow along on this journey with you!
    You baby girl has an amazing big brother!

  2. That is so sweet and precious!

  3. I love when you write about your son, I always feel tears coming. I hope to have that bond with my girls that you have with your son. That's one of my many worries being a FTM.

  4. Oh, very sweet post! I love that pic of you staring at him. Such love.

  5. Super sweet post! The ultra sound pic of you son does look like a baby...or maybe kinda like a gummy bear!
