Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting to Know You

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Click on the cutie button below to link up with Keely for my favorite weekly bloghop and make some new friends!

1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
I don't like apes. But I don't like little boys masquerading as men.
So, I guess my answer is I like a little hair, but not so much that my hand will get caught in it when I'm rubbing his chest. My man is exactly that. Perfect for me!

2. How often do you run red lights?
Rarely. I actually can't think of the last time I did.  Too scary about accidents.
In AZ, most of the opposite lights are delayed so they don't change to green as soon as the other turns red. Here in Pittsburgh, they change at the same time and people are ALL about the "Pittsburgh left". Accident waiting to happen.

3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..who's would you raid?
Sara Evans...I always love her comfortable style which is totally me and when she needs to dress up, she always looks gorgeous, but never stuffy! I love her!!

May 2006:

4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
Can I say I don't really have an opinion? The people I'm friends with on Facebook are people in my life--past and present. Through Twitter, I have discovered a lot of  great people and the same goes for my blog. I'm grateful for that, but honestly do not care about the quantity. Like I told someone recently...I'm a well-kept secret. :) hahaha

5. What makes you feel sexy?
Right now in my life, honestly when my fiance looks at my 23 week pregnant body and still desires me in every way. He is still as attracted to me as ever and ensures that I know it. Because, let's be honest, it's not fun trying to find clothes that fit and the ones that do are mostly not sexy. :)

6. I get excited when...........?
The Penguins win in the playoffs, things go the way they're supposed to, I find a great bargain, hear a song I love, learn my mom is coming to visit, I won something, my kids do really well in school, I see my baby in ultrasounds...

**All of the above makes me jump up and down and clap very cheerleader-like. (I was never a cheerleader.)

7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
I'm a mix of both! Love fishing and camping and being outside a lot. I realized after moving to Pittsburgh that it's not as easy to do all of those things without planning as it is in Arizona....I miss the AZ weather a lot. We never had a "plan B" if it rained. :)  I also love hanging out on my couch on a rainy day watching horrible Lifetime movies.

8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
Million bucks baby! My dream home wouldn't cost a million dollars, so I'd end up with enough money to buy my house and still have money left for other stuff.

Until next time...Happy Sunday!


  1. I'm a big fan of things going the way their supposed to too. Whoop whoop to that!
    Have a great one.

  2. Im baaaack..well for right now, going back in to finish the boys

  3. Love your picture with Sara...cute cute cute! All great things that make you happy!

    And ya ape men not so hot!
    Happy Sunday girl!

  4. LOL @ the cheerleader comment! :)

    Oooh, the Pittsburgh left drives me insane!

  5. I think pregnancy can be a very sexy thing. Too bad I'm not pregnant!

    K from LifeofK
