Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday! Getting to Know You

It's that time again!!! This is one of my favorite bloghops...I've found a lot of great people!

Click on the cutie button below to link up with Keely and make some new friends!

1. What color do you wear the most?
Hmmm...I'd say either red or gray. Lately it's been gray since I'm limited on maternity clothes...however I found some cutie cutie camo capris I'm getting this week!

2. Would you rather have $10,000 dollars or a dream vacation?
Right now I'd rather have the 10 grand. But, then I could take a vacation with some of it, so best of both worlds!

3. Do you have a weird, quirky or unusual habit?
The only thing I can think of is if I'm walking steps, I count them --silently. I have done this since I was a kid. I'm not OCD or overly obsessive about anything, but without fail, I count steps in my head when I'm walking them.  Funny enough, one day recently, A came in and said "There's 14 steps!" and I said, "How do you know?" He said, "Because I count them in my head when I walk them." ha! I guess it's genetic.

4. I really need to start..........?
Finishing getting this house unpacked!!

5. What was the first blog you ever read?

6. Do you collect anything?
Picture frames, rubber ducks, children's books, Sharpies

7. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
My first real kiss...14. By the lockers after school before catching the bus. I hated it. He was the sloppiest kisser I have ever kissed and I broke up with him the next day!

8. Do you text/twitter while driving?
I used to. Then I watched  a show with families who had lost someone or killed someone. The accident odds are higher than drunk driving. Scary. I now will tweet and/or text at a red light. That's it.

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Have a great Sunday!


  1. Oh I'm a step counter too! I rarely notice it anymore but sometimes a number will pop into my head. Crazy (o:

  2. I never knew anyone that collected sharpies. interesting. I have a few! I guess you collect them in all colors? Just out my answers!
    Have a great day!

  3. I love sharpies! They are just awesome!

    I know I totally forgot about baby blankets...crap!

    Sloppy kisses are the absolute worst, ick!

  4. Great job on camo capris! Mat clothes can be so awful but it's so nice to have some that make you feel great. Nothing better than flaunting the preggo belly!

    K from LifeofK

  5. I had one too many sloppy kissing partners. YUCK!

    (BTW I love your getting to know you info in your side bar! You seem so intersting and sure of yourself!!!)

  6. I wanted to do this and it's too late, so my quirk is looking down while walking in a public place. I'm always on the lookout for money. It happened when I was a kid and I've never stopped. My husband thinks it's weird but it's probably why I've broken my ankle twice. Since I'm not watching where I was actually going.

    PS. I have found LOTS of money. I tend to look for it on the side of the road at intersections too. Weird.
