Friday, April 2, 2010

Regarding the Ugly Side...

*This is the last time I will be posting about this ugliness in my life, especially on my pregnancy blog. I did feel strongly enough though that her "friends" who are reading my blog need to see HER words.

A message to my fiance regarding their child.

And for the record, I am the bartender. (no space needed)

From: *******

To: G******

Sent: 04/01/10 11:09PM

"you sound as stupid as you look, honestly. What was said in court and you damn well know it, was you asked to start the schedule this week, & I said to you then why dont you just take your vacation now since R was already with you, & you screamed NO I DONT WANT TO DO THAT BOOHOO. Once you got home & talked it out with whoever, you manipulated the system, plain & simple. 2 people heard this conversation, so the fact that you would even lie about something so trivial proves your piece of shit mentality. I already called the judge himself & told him what you did, not that it matters anyways, but it's just more proof of what a devious little bitch you really are.

If life experiences involve divorce, bar tending, killing someone, losing my 3x refinanced house because I'm too poor to pay the mortgage, having mommy & daddy pay my way out of everything else, creditors suing me right & left because I live off of credit, working a shit job because I have no education to do anything better with my life, DUI'S, Anger management, not showering for 3 days, getting food at the food bank etc, then I Thank GOD I am as inexperienced as I am. My inexperience has provided my child with a stable, loving environment where SHE is put first, so there really is no reason for you to be concerned about my inexperience in life.

Whatever, this was expected, just like everything else you have done so selfishly without EVER considering R. I love how you gave her false hope that she was coming home Wed, then ripped that from her, then told her she could come visit Friday, & then ripped that from her too. When she grows up to hate you, you have no one to blame but yourself.

I am in agreement with you that this website is done. I will not be renewing - If you don't like it, file a motion. You are a natural born liar & manipulator and always will be, & I'm done allowing you to continue to RUIN our child with your bullshit games. If you have no one to attack & blame on a daily basis for your faults, maybe you will finally get over it & stop using R as your pawn. Furthermore, you could use that extra $100 to pay the rent on your 2/1 like you said.

I will be printing up the calendars before my subscription expires, so if there's any more last minute changes that you claim to have told me about on Tuesday, fix them.

I am done playing your games. It is SO obvious your only intention in doing this to our child day after day after day is to try and screw me over because you are SO butt hurt that I left you - proven by your begging for me to look at you on Tuesday. (which, if I felt the need to vomit, rest assured I would have looked at you.) R is not a game, & I have told you this from the beginning, & I have begged, pleaded, & the like with you to stop with your shit and put her first. BUT, you can't be bothered with that, So, I can't be bothered with your shit anymore. If it's not about R in a factual, to the point manner, don't contact me. Period end of story.

& Go ahead & try to use this msg against me, I don't really care. If you can call me trash in front of the judges face, I surely am allowed to tell you candidly how I feel in the comfort of my own home."

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